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Fire clay is a range of refractory clays used in the manufacture of ceramics, especially fire brick. It is a natural material that is resistant to high temperatures, having fusion points higher than 1,600 °C (2,910 °F). Therefore, it is suitable for lining furnaces, as fire brick, and for manufacture of utensils used in the metalworking industries, such as crucibles, saggars, retorts and glassware.

Its stability during firing in the kiln means that it can be used to make complex items of pottery such as pipes and sanitary ware. Fire clay is typically composed of 23-34% Al2O3, 50-60% SiO2 and 6-27% loss on ignition together with various amounts of Fe2O3, CaO, MgO, K2O, Na2O and TiO2. Fire clay is found in many parts of the world, but some of the largest deposits are located in the United States, China, India, and the United Kingdom.

The following are some of the uses of fire clay:
Fire brick: Fire brick is made from fire clay and is used to line furnaces and other high-temperature applications. It is resistant to heat and chemical attack, and it helps to insulate the furnace and prevent heat loss.

Crucibles: Crucibles are made from fire clay and are used to melt metals. They are resistant to high temperatures and can withstand the corrosive effects of molten metal.

Saggars: Saggars are made from fire clay and are used to protect delicate ceramics during firing. They are porous, which allows the heat to circulate evenly around the ceramic, and they prevent the ceramic from sticking to the kiln shelf.

Retorts: Retorts are made from fire clay and are used to distill liquids and gases. They are resistant to high temperatures and can withstand the corrosive effects of chemicals.

Glassware: Fire clay is used to make glassware, such as bottles, jars, and bowls. It is resistant to high temperatures and can withstand the thermal shock of being heated and cooled rapidly.

Pipes: Fire clay is used to make pipes, such as sewer pipes and water pipes. It is resistant to high temperatures and can withstand the corrosive effects of water and chemicals.

Sanitary ware: Fire clay is used to make sanitary ware, such as toilets and sinks. It is resistant to high temperatures and can withstand the corrosive effects of water and cleaning agents.

Fire clay is a versatile material with a wide range of uses. It is resistant to high temperatures, chemical attack, and thermal shock. It is also non-toxic and can be used in a variety of applications.