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Marine gypsum is a type of gypsum that is formed when seawater evaporates. It is typically white or light gray in color and has a high purity. Marine gypsum is used in a variety of applications, including:

Construction: Marine gypsum is used to make drywall, plaster, and other building materials.

Agriculture: Marine gypsum is used to improve soil quality and reduce acidity.

Industry: Marine gypsum is used in the manufacturing of paper, plastics, and other products.

Industrial gypsum is a type of gypsum that is mined from the ground. It is typically gray or brown in color and has a lower purity than marine gypsum. Industrial gypsum is used in a variety of applications, including:

Construction: Industrial gypsum is used to make drywall, plaster, and other building materials.

Agriculture: Industrial gypsum is used to improve soil quality and reduce acidity.

Industry: Industrial gypsum is used in the manufacturing of paper, plastics, and other products.

Comparison:Here is a comparison of marine gypsum and industrial gypsum:

Feature Marine Gypsum Industrial Gypsum
Color White or light gray Gray or Brown
Purity High Low
Cost More expensive Less expensive
Applications Construction, agriculture, industry Construction, agriculture

Conclusion:Marine gypsum and industrial gypsum are both types of gypsum that have a variety of applications. Marine gypsum is typically more expensive than industrial gypsum, but it is also higher purity. The best type of gypsum for a particular application will depend on the specific needs of the user.